The Hayden Memorial Library is home to one portion of Citrus’ staff, the librarians. Larry Handy has been working as an adjunct reference librarian at
Category: Staff Features
Citrus counselor will bike across the United States for Tourette Association of America in March
A Citrus College counselor is set to embark on a 45-day bike journey from San Diego to St. Augustine, Florida, starting in March 2025. Citrus
Citrus humanities professor shares tales of ancient human migration in new book
Professor David Overly is a man of many talents and interests and once again he put them to use. Overly is a professor in the
The challenge to take a pause
Pizzagate was a QAnon conspiracy theory that rose in online popularity during the 2016 election. The theory led to threats to harm and kill those
Dedicated No. 1 IT guy guides campus for 25 years
All across campus are the markings of one of Citrus’ most valued workers for 25 years. From 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., every weekday in
Citrus Singers’ director plans retirement after 38 years
One of Douglas Austin Shrope’s memorable experiences from teaching at Citrus came when he flew to New York and sat in a house seat of
Speech professor of 25 years plans retirement
Tasha Van Horn, Citrus speech professor of 25 years, is planning to retire at the end of this spring semester. Van Horn said in an
Business professor retires after 22 years
Accounting professor Rober Smolin has long been proud of helping students at Citrus learn to handle their money. After 22 years on campus, Smolin has