Citrus’ softball pulls off a walk-off win against Southwestern with bases loaded 

Citrus Owls started off the softball season strong with a walk-off win against Southwestern, 5-4, on Jan. 24.

The crowd was on the edge of their bleachers in the bottom of the seventh where all bases were loaded and Citrus was up to bat. 

After Citrus’ Ava Camarena stole second base, Citrus’ Rylee Praytor hit a ball straight into left field, Camarena and Citrus’ Alivia Martinez ran home. Martinez was almost thrown out right before she reached home, but the catcher fumbled the ball and Martinez ran right past the catcher, who was on the ground with the ball.

The Owls started the game off strong when Maddy Hajj hit a three-run home run, scoring the only three runs from both teams in the first inning. The Owls ran out of the dougout and encircled the players who scored.

Praytor was on her a-game, besides being the last person to hit, which ensured the win for Citrus, the catcher didn’t miss a ball. 

“The game was fun, and nerve racking at the same time,” Praytor said.

With Praytor and Caitlin Kelley, a pitcher, starting off strong, Southwestern was scoreless for the first three innings.

Rylee Praytor in her position as catcher during the home game against Southwestern on jan. 24, 2025. Photo by Melanie Arias, Clarion.
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Kelley’s pitches were close to the ground, fast, and hard to pick up for Southwestern in the seventh inning, which led Southwestern’s team to chant, “pitch that ball a little higher.” 

Southwestern had some long fly balls, but many went foul.

Illiana Romero scored the first run for Southwestern in the fifth inning.

Aalijah Aranda had fast reflexes in the top of the sixth, scooping up a bunted ball from Southwestern and sending the ball flying to first, which resulted in an out for Southwestern.

“The energy of our team (Owls) is like no other,” Camarena said. “Aalijah always comes through.”

Hajj, who was mostly covering first base, was quick to receive throws from her teammates and prevented Southwestern from moving on throughout the game. She stopped a batter on first in the top of the sixth and the teams switched and Citrus was up to bat.

“It’s an amazing feeling to win on opening day,” Hajj said. “I’m confident in my team and I had no doubts.”

When Citrus was up to bat, the Southwestern team never let the Owls have a quiet at-bat. 

Even with the noise and loud voices from Southwestern, everyone in the stands and on the field could hear the chants and voices of support from the team, with Praytor leading the chants.

In the bottom of the seventh inning, Camarena stole second base, which prompted Citrus to shout out a chant, with Praytor leading it, “you couldn’t stop her, you suck.”

This chant received a few chuckles from the riled-up spectators. 

Camarena scored the fourth run for Citrus in the sixth inning, who had been scoreless since the first inning.

In the bottom of the first inning, Camarena bunted the ball. As Southwestern threw the ball to first, Camarena beat out the throw and the umpire called it safe. 

A minute later after both of the umpires reconvened, that decision was overruled and Camarena was ruled out.

Assistant coach Samantha Meyndert said the team has been training harder that before in preparation for the season and the girls know that hard work will pay off. 

“I expect the team will go to the playoffs this year, same as last year,” Meyndert said.
