Citrus’ Transfer Fair hosts over 50 schools

The fall semester is when many students decide what college to apply for transfer to continue their educational journeys.

Citrus’ Transfer Fair on Sept. 18 was an opportunity for students to explore different colleges and ask representatives any questions they had.  

“I’m looking at transferring to an architecture school,” Kayleen Vargas, a Citrus student said. “I maybe want to attend Cal Poly (Pomona), but I’m looking at other options. This (the transfer fair) is helpful.” 

There were colleges that students had the opportunity to discover for the first time.

 “There’s some performing arts schools that I didn’t know existed, like the New York Film Academy,” Citrus student Emi Guitierrez said. 

California State Universities, Universities of California, private universities and colleges, as well as out of state universities, had booths packed in the Campus Center Mall. 

Two students listen to California State University San Bernardino representative talk about what they offer on Sept. 18, 2024. Photo by Alexa Tapia, Clarion.
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Over 50 colleges and universities attended the transfer fair, along with booths for Citrus College programs. 

If students were not looking to transfer, the United States Marines representatives also set up a recruiting booth. 

This year’s Transfer Fair gained a lot of traction from students and staff as they explored what everything had to offer. 


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