Citrus hosts first women’s water polo alumni game

Citrus College hosted its first women’s water polo alumni game, which ended in a win for the 2024-25 team, 21-10. 

Kori Cunningham, sophomore attacker and a team captain, scored the most goals, totaling seven. 

Goalie Natalie Abril blocked the alumni team and stopped the players from scoring nine times.

Going off a win from the first quarter for Citrus, the second quarter started off strong for the alumni team, scoring the first goal and changing the momentum. Citrus ended up taking this quarter as well.

Winning all four quarters, Citrus took the first scoring 5-2, the second 4-2, the third 6-5, and the fourth quarter 6-1.

In the fourth quarter, after taking four consecutive goals, the scoring streak of Citrus was cut off by alumni Teghan Miller. But that win didn’t last for long, as attacker Xiana Cabral scored, earning another point for Citrus. 

Before the game, Cunningham said “We have been training really hard this summer,” and a win to start off the season was evidence enough to prove her words.

This alumni game brought different graduating classes together to participate in a fun and competitive game of water polo, made possible by the increase in play dates.

Kori Cunningham, a sophomore captain, attempts to block alumni Hunter Olivier from passing in the alumni game on August 31, 2024. Photo by Melanie Arias.
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Before the game, alumni Angelica Espinoza, Class of 2019, said, “When I went to Citrus, we were pretty competitive, so I want to see the new generation and where these girls are at.”

Head coach Jennifer Spalding expressed excitement about the game and the return of past players.

“I’m super excited to watch my former players play, cause while they may not be in polo shape, their knowledge is unbelievable and they can teach these girls a few things in the water,” Spalding said before the game.

As this is her last year coaching, Spalding said that she wanted to have an alumni game to see her former players.

When the game ended, both teams lined up and shook hands congratulating one another. Both teams celebrated the win for Citrus with food and conversation.

That marked the end of the first women’s alumni game at Citrus, hopefully the first of many to come, said Spalding.


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