A Citrus student, Damon Fakhreddine, started a petition for Citrus College to end its contract with Starbucks, on January 20.
The petition was started due to what was stated by Fakhreddine as Starbuck’s known support for Israel, amid the ongoing war in Gaza.

Fakhreddine expresses how he finds it offensive, as an Arab American student, that Citrus College displays signs saying “we proudly serve Starbucks.”
Fakhreddine states it’s important to note this petition doesn’t have to just do with feelings but also, it’s the school’s responsibility to ensure respect for every student’s background and values.
Vice president of finance and administrative services for Citrus College, Claudette Dain, who oversees all contracts, has stated she has no knowledge of the petition.
“Citrus College is not in receipt of any petition related to its coffee services,” she mentioned in an email.
Dain stated she could not answer any questions about the petition since it is unknown to Citrus College administrators.
The petition currently has 49 signatures heading towards its 50 signature goal.