Clothing Swap at Citrus for Earth Week

Conservation is hollering this April’s Earth Week with a Citrus-hosted event– a wardrobe exchange outside of Hardy Campus Center for the first time.

You can donate April 4 with usable, washed clothing to rummage through other donated attire for free and keeps for the whole day. Anything can be donated, except for belts and undergarments. Swapping is allowed for staff and students, boys and girls. There is a ten-article limit. 

Altogether, recycled clothing saves landfills by tons and tons of pounds. The target and spearhead is to eliminate the wasteful brand of clothing known as “Fast Fashion.” This line of apparel causes damage to the environment and public health. It doesn’t last on the rack and drives more purchases that consume. Swapping sustains positive consumption.

The Campus Center has information surrounding Earth Week’s celebration for the entire week.

This is a production through Sustainability Fellow. Hootie’s Closet is hosting a career advancement through business cards, resources, interview tips and headshots all while having their own professional attire swap on April 6, 2023.

Another program will have donations until 31st March for the needy at SS 279.
