After nearly five years as the head of the Citrus College TeCS Department, Chief Information Services Officer Robert Hughes plans to retire.
Hughes officially retires Dec. 31 but will be off campus starting Nov. 1.
Hughes looks back on his nearly five years spent at Citrus College as a good time in his life.
“It’s been a really good experience,” Hughes said. “I just had a really good time working here, a lot of challenges but it seems we were able to overcome them.”
Hughes attributes this good experience to his colleagues.
“We’ve got a lot of really dedicated staff, everybody’s passionate about their job and works hard to get things done,” Hughes said.
Technology Operations and Support Supervisor Tom Cheng, who works with Hughes in the TeCS Department, said Hughes has “been a great boss.”
“He’s made my job a lot easier,” Cheng said.
On Hughes’ executives, Hughes had nothing but good things to say.
“Both presidents I’ve worked for were very supportive of things I needed to do and got done,” Hughes said.
Huges was recently praised for his hard work and dedication by the Chief Information Services Officers Association, which is a nonprofit organization supporting technology leadership in the California Community College System.
Hughes received the CISOA Board award, recognizing him for his service to CISOA, service to colleges, and outstanding leadership in the evolution of technology.
Hughes assured that there is nothing to worry about concerning a gap in leadership, as there is already a replacement for him lined up who will “be starting right after I leave so there shouldn’t be too much break in service for oversight of IT,” Hughes said.
Hughes’ replacement, Eric Calderon, said that although he’s excited to start working at Citrus, “it’s really hard to follow superstars.”
Calderon will remain employed at The Riverside County Office of Education until shortly after Hughes officially retires Dec. 31.
Hughes is looking forward to retirement, as he plans to relocate and spend some quality time with his family.
“My wife and I purchased a property in Conway, Arkansas,” Hughes said. “Both my son and my daughter will be out of college and (I’ll) just retire and take it easy.”