Campus Question: How would you compare this year’s spring break to last year?
The Clarion asked students about their spring break on April 25, these were their answers:

“Last year I went to Puerto Rico, this year I went to Japan … It was great. This year I went on business, last year it was more for pleasure.”
Daniel Naccarati, 22, business major

“Pretty much the same, except for; I played more video games this time around. Because I couldn’t really do anything. I didn’t have the gas to go anywhere. I’m broke.”
Eryn Sommers, 22, Pre-allied health major

“Well, last spring break I went to the beach more, and I definitely, you know, hung out with my friends more. And this spring break, I worked. Yeah, so, not too exciting.”
Samantha Almaraz, 23, communications major

“I’m in, like, child (development) 100, and I have to do 45 observation hours. So throughout spring break I was just in another classroom observing. Then, right after that; work. Then, right after that; go home, and I’m dead. So, there was no spring break for me.”
Gabriel Enriquez, 23, music/child development